Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Ellesmere Port & Neston

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawEllesmere Port winWarrington GoalsEllesmere Port Goals
At Warrington116411611
At Ellesmere Port8431125
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
27/03/1989Ellesmere Port (A)NWC1  0-0 Details
07/01/1989Ellesmere Port (H)NWC1  0-0 Details
20/02/1988Ellesmere Port (H)NWC1  2-2Kinsey, Hughes Details
28/11/1987Ellesmere Port (H)CSC  1-0aetWilliams (108) Details
25/08/1987Ellesmere Port (A)NWC1  0-2 Details
03/01/1987Ellesmere Port (H)NWC2  2-1Own Goal (5), Hill (80) Details
19/08/1986Ellesmere Port (A)NWC2  0-0 Details
03/09/1985Ellesmere Port (H)NWC2  1-1Stokes Details
21/08/1985Ellesmere Port (A)NWC2  5-0Cook, Kinsey, Clark (2 goals), Hunter (pen) Details
02/04/1985Ellesmere Port (A)NWC2  3-1Hughes (2 goals), Wagstaffe Details
02/03/1985Ellesmere Port (H)NWC2  2-2Hunter, Gratton Details
17/03/1984Ellesmere Port (A)NWC2  2-1Barnes, Daniels Details
19/11/1983Ellesmere Port (H)NWC2  1-0Dolan Details
27/03/1982Ellesmere Port (H)CHES2  3-2Jones, Daniels, Hughes Details
06/02/1982Ellesmere Port (A)CHES2  1-0Kerry Details
1981/1982Ellesmere Port (H)CLC  2-1Brown, Hennitty Details
1981/1982Ellesmere Port (A)CLC  1-1Brown Details
1976/1977Ellesmere Port (H)CSC  2-0Taylor, Brown Details
1958/1959Ellesmere Port (H)FAC1905  0-2 Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 5-0 on 21 August 1985
Biggest Warrington defeat: 0-2 (2 times)

Most appearances v Ellesmere Port
Steve Hughes5
Ian Kinsey5
Neil Cook3
Peter Daniels3
Alan Brown3
Richard Harvey2
Neil Griffiths2
Gordon Hunter2
Frank Dolan2
Chris Coulson2
Johnny Barnes2
Martin Lake2
Kevin Gratton2
John O'Brien1
Alistair Clark1
Dave Stokes1
Graham Cunneely1
Alan Monteith1
Neil Williams1
Tony Hill1
Dave Peters1
Terry Selby1
Jimmy Woodyer1
Ian Reid1
Ian Hodge1
Neil Whalley1
Riley0 (1)
Tommy Taylor1
Paul Manuel1
Karl Williams1
Tony Hennitty1
John O'Neill1
Kevin Dack0 (1)
John Kerry1
Darren Heyes1
Peter Houghton1
Derek McClatchey1
K Jones1
Most goals v Ellesmere Port
Steve Hughes4
Alan Brown3
Peter Daniels2
Gordon Hunter2
Ian Kinsey2
Alistair Clark2
Neil Cook1
Neil Williams1
Tony Hennitty1
Tony Hill1
Kevin Gratton1
John Kerry1
Frank Dolan1
Tommy Taylor1
K Jones1
Dave Stokes1
Johnny Barnes1
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