Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Runcorn

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawRuncorn winWarrington GoalsRuncorn Goals
At Warrington401339
At Runcorn4103512
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
10/02/2004Runcorn (H)LIV139  2-3Heverin, Mitchell Details
21/09/1999Runcorn (A)CSC174  4-3Nestor, Tyrell (3 goals) Details
22/03/1994Runcorn (A)CSC  0-2 Details
01/03/1994Runcorn (H)CSC  0-0 Details
26/11/1991Runcorn (A)CSC  1-2Dunn Details
29/01/1986Runcorn (H)CSC357  1-4Price Details
09/03/1985Runcorn (A)CSC  0-5 Details
21/02/1965Runcorn (H)CSC1200  0-2 Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 4-3 on 21 September 1999
Biggest Warrington defeat: 0-5 on 09 March 1985

Most appearances v Runcorn
Steve Parsonage3
Gary Finley3
Neil McCormack2
Joey Dunn2
Gavin McDonald2
Neil Cook2
Terry Nestor2
Andy Tague2
Neil Williams2
Gary Price2
Dave Tickle2
John Grayson1
Dennis Winter1
Tommy Taylor1
Mick Mulloy1
Stan Clarkson1
Mal McKune1
Tommy Barber1
Frank Dolan1
Steve Hughes1
Ian Kinsey1
Dave Mather1
Jimmy King0 (1)
Peter Copeland0 (1)
Gordon Hunter1
Ian Reid1
Paul Lambert1
Alan Leatherbarrow1
John Wilbraham1
Graham Cunneely1
Kevin Gratton1
C Jones1
Joe Rice1
Robbie Priedt1
Chris Lee1
Mark Nulty1
Lee Webster1
Ged Bushell1
Kevin Tyrell1
Mark Ashton1
Dave Pick1
Lee Holden1
Lee Riley1
Stuart Harkness1
Richard Harvey1
Colin Beck1
Paul Meachin0 (1)
Sweeting0 (1)
Chris Coulson1
Ian Thompson1
Steve Latham1
Mike Heverin1
Graeme Mitchell1
Peter Harper1
Most goals v Runcorn
Kevin Tyrell3
Gary Price1
Mike Heverin1
Graeme Mitchell1
Terry Nestor1
Joey Dunn1
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