Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Eastwood Town

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawEastwood Town winWarrington GoalsEastwood Town Goals
At Warrington1510233420
At Eastwood Town141581433
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
31/03/2007Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1207  0-1 Details
09/09/2006Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1110  2-4Fitzsimmons (41), Mitchell (86) Details
18/04/2006Eastwood Town (H)NPL D185  1-2Tickle Details
25/03/2006Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1161  3-3Mitchell (69), Tickle (81), Shaw (82) Details
05/03/2005Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1  0-2 Details
13/11/2004Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1128  2-2Bermingham, Mitchell Details
22/02/1997Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1  0-0 Details
21/09/1996Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1  0-1 Details
18/11/1995Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1  2-0Atkinson (2 goals) Details
30/09/1995Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1126  1-2Heavey Details
06/05/1995Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1168  2-1Heavey, Own Goal Details
20/08/1994Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1130  0-1 Details
01/01/1994Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1126  1-1McDonald (22) Details
27/11/1993Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1186  1-0Saunders Details
01/05/1993Eastwood Town (A)NPL D197  0-4 Details
13/02/1993Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1244  3-0Whalley (2 goals), Warder Details
25/01/1992Eastwood Town (A)NPL D1110  3-1Cook, McDonald, Dunn Details
04/01/1992Eastwood Town (H)NPL D1150  3-1McDonald (3 goals) Details
16/03/1991Eastwood Town (A)NPL D189  1-1Tandy Details
02/02/1991Eastwood Town (H)NPL D188  3-1Cook, Dunn, Watson Details
24/08/1985Eastwood Town (H)FAC  3-1Stokes, Kinsey, Hughes Details
1979/1980Eastwood Town (H)CHES2  1-4Hardy Details
12/05/1969Eastwood Town (A)M-CHES  2-3Lawson, Hunter Details
1968/1969Eastwood Town (H)M-CHES  5-0Lawson (3 goals), Hunter, Salt Details
27/01/1968Eastwood Town (A)MCLC  0-10 Details
1967/1968Eastwood Town (A)M-CHES  2-2Evans, Eyres Details
1967/1968Eastwood Town (H)M-CHES  3-2Evans (2 goals), Hardy Details
1966/1967Eastwood Town (A)M-CHES  1-1Hardy Details
1966/1967Eastwood Town (H)M-CHES  3-2Hardy (2 goals), Darbyshire Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 5-0 on 02 February 1969
Biggest Warrington defeat: 0-10 on 27 January 1968

Most appearances v Eastwood Town
Chris Coulson10
Gary Finley8
Joey Dunn7
Neil Williams7
Steve Parsonage6
Gavin McDonald6
Phil Mitchell5
Steve Latham5
Gary Randles5
Dave Tickle5
Danny Salt5
Aiden Warder4 (1)
Neil Cook5
Chris Fitzsimmons4
Neil Whalley4
Dave Hardy4
Graeme Mitchell3 (1)
Dougie Pitts3
Liam Watson3
Mike Tandy3
Steve Soley3
Paul Heavey3
Terry Nestor3
Ian Owen2
Don Nicely2
Neil Boardman2
Peter Hunter2
Ray Evans2
Darren Beales2
Kevin Gratton2
Colin Beck2
Paul Meachin2
Colin Flood2
Simon Burton2
Danny Glass2
Paul Clarke2
Graham Bennett2
Karl Williams2
Kevin Towey2
Chris Lee2
Matty Farrell2
Michael Owens2
Lee Webster2
Billy O'Callaghan2
Gary Jensen1
Lee Smith1
Paul Langley1
Lee Thompson0 (1)
Phil Howard0 (1)
Dave Stokes1
Paul McNally1
Alan Blair1
Ian Callaghan1
Mike Heverin1
Paul Lambert1
Kenny Saunders1
Mike Knop1
Simon Saunders0 (1)
Ray Birch1
Mark Burrell1
Chris Bermingham1
Ian Lowe1
Ian Kinsey1
Gareth Thomas1
Andy Tague0 (1)
Steve Akrigg1
Ryan Baker1
Dean Jennings1
Andy Potter1
Richard Mottram1
Terry Anderson0 (1)
Steve Hughes1
Simon Rudge1
Phil Jones1
Neil Weaver1
Duncan Atkinson1
Craig Murphy1
Mark Gordon1
Liam Boden1
Russell Payne1
Phil Lawrenson1
Ray Salt1
Cedric Eyres1
Mark Winstanley1
Elfyn Edwards1
Mark Brady1
Andy Swift1
Russell Sang1
Mark Henshaw1
Tommy Taylor0 (1)
Lee Pennington1
Craig Clare1
Dave Shaw0 (1)
Karl Wills1
Chris Jackson1
Kevin Hannon1
Kevin Dillon0 (1)
Richard Harvey1
Steve Denny1
Gideon Sutcliffe1
Chris Willcock1
Peter Oldbury1
Darren Kinsey1
Joe Rice0 (1)
Ian Thompson1
Paul Harris1
Most goals v Eastwood Town
Dave Hardy5
Gavin McDonald5
Ray Evans3
Paul Heavey2
Duncan Atkinson2
Neil Cook2
Peter Hunter2
Dave Tickle2
Joey Dunn2
Neil Whalley2
Graeme Mitchell2
Aiden Warder1
Dave Stokes1
Phil Mitchell1
Mike Tandy1
Ian Kinsey1
Kenny Saunders1
Chris Fitzsimmons1
Steve Hughes1
Ray Salt1
Dave Shaw1
Cedric Eyres1
Chris Bermingham1
Liam Watson1
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