Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Chadderton

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawChadderton winWarrington GoalsChadderton Goals
At Warrington125252319
At Chadderton94321410
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
02/11/2002Chadderton (H)NWCCC75  3-0Pick, Heverin, Moore Details
06/03/2001Chadderton (A)NWC254  3-0Holden, Chadwick, Hennessey Details
19/08/2000Chadderton (H)NWC251  1-4Barr Details
01/04/2000Chadderton (H)NWC270  1-1Bushell Details
22/01/2000Chadderton (A)NWC240  1-1Tyrell Details
23/03/1999Chadderton (A)NWC1  0-0 Details
22/08/1998Chadderton (H)NWC1  1-3Berry Details
29/11/1997Chadderton (H)NWC1  0-2 Details
20/09/1997Chadderton (A)NWC1  0-1 Details
30/12/1989Chadderton (A)NWC1  2-0Hughes, Hodge Details
11/11/1989Chadderton (H)NWCCC  4-0Hughes (3 goals), Hodge Details
28/08/1989Chadderton (H)NWC1  4-1Gratton, Houghton, Hodge (2 goals) Details
1986/1987Chadderton (A)NWC2  2-1Barton, Hill Details
1986/1987Chadderton (H)NWC2  0-0 Details
21/12/1985Chadderton (H)NWC2  0-2 Details
10/08/1985Chadderton (A)NWC2  3-5Kinsey, Clark, Hughes Details
29/12/1984Chadderton (H)NWC2  5-1Reid, Cook, Price, Wagstaffe (2 goals) Details
28/08/1984Chadderton (A)NWC2  0-0 Details
07/04/1984Chadderton (H)NWC2  0-3 Details
24/09/1983Chadderton (A)NWC2  3-2Hughes (2 goals), Hughes Details
04/09/1982Chadderton (H)NWCCC  4-2Dolan, Davies (2 goals), Stokes Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 5-1 on 29 December 1984
Biggest Warrington defeat: 1-4 on 19 August 2000

Most appearances v Chadderton
Steve Cartledge5
Andy Tague5
Neil Cook4
Steve Hughes4
Dave Pick4
Mike Tandy4
Ian Callaghan4
Peter Houghton3
Chris Coulson2 (1)
Ian Hodge2 (1)
Ian Reid3
Neil McCormack3
Neil Williams3
Kevin Gratton2 (1)
Tony Hill2 (1)
Neil Whalley2 (1)
Kevin Tyrell3
Neal Holden3
Dave Tickle3
Alan Blair2 (1)
Ged Bushell2
Martin Lake2
Richard Harvey2
Neil Morgan2
Brian Davies2
Robbie Priedt2
Derek McClatchey2
Alan Thomson2
Andy Moore2
Mark Ashton2
Gary Finley2
Colin Darcy2
Paul Berry2
Paul Hives2
Joey Fenton0 (1)
Dave Peters1
Peter Daniels1
Graham Cunneely1
Gavin McDonald1
Brendan Hennessey0 (1)
Mike Arnold1
Gareth Chadwick0 (1)
Stuart Honor1
Terry Selby1
Ian Murphy1
Stuart Lee1
Ian Bold1
Jerry Coll1
Phil Farrelly1
Chris Hunt1
Steve Jackson0 (1)
Fadi Hanna1
GK Rodgers1
Steve Weston0 (1)
Faraday0 (1)
Neil Clough0 (1)
Alan Monteith1
Dave Stokes1
Mike Heverin1
Matt Adams1
Jamie Cavanagh1
Simon Caley0 (1)
Frank Dolan1
Steve Latham1
Lee Webster1
Andy Barr1
Ian McEllen1
Stuart Clay1
Terry O'Hanlon1
Dave Hughes1
Lee Medland1
Elfyn Edwards1
Terry Nestor1
Ian Shaw1
Damien Whitehead1
Joe Barton1
Alistair Clark1
Paul Traynor1
Gary Price1
Ian Kinsey1
Paul Anderton1
Most goals v Chadderton
Steve Hughes7
Ian Hodge4
Brian Davies2
Mike Heverin1
Neal Holden1
Neil Cook1
Frank Dolan1
Kevin Tyrell1
Paul Berry1
Alistair Clark1
Kevin Gratton1
Andy Moore1
Gareth Chadwick1
Gary Price1
Andy Barr1
Joe Barton1
Peter Houghton1
Brendan Hennessey1
Dave Stokes1
Dave Pick1
Tony Hill1
Ian Reid1
Ged Bushell1
Ian Kinsey1
Dave Hughes1
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