Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Clitheroe

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawClitheroe winWarrington GoalsClitheroe Goals
At Warrington2411673622
At Clitheroe2274113438
Neutral venue220020
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
02/01/2016Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N279  5-2Kilheeney, Burke (2 goals), Gahgan (2 goals) Details
26/09/2015Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N216  5-0Deegan, Kilheeney, Gahgan (3 goals) Details
25/04/2015Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N269  1-2Collins Details
10/03/2015Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N179  4-2Tames, Burke (2 goals), McCarten Details
05/04/2014Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N174  3-0Metcalfe, Wharton, Roberts Details
28/12/2013Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N303  0-1 Details
30/03/2013Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N157  2-1Ruane, Fowler Details
29/09/2012Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N196  0-2 Details
17/03/2012Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N210  0-2 Details
12/11/2011Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N191  1-1Collins (84) Details
02/04/2011Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N196  2-2Thompson, Collins Details
06/11/2010Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N154  0-2 Details
02/03/2010Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N167  1-2Gahgan Details
15/08/2009Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N161  0-1 Details
08/11/2008Clitheroe (H)NPL 1N162  1-0Rendell Details
21/10/2008Clitheroe (A)NPL 1N195  2-3Smith, Towey Details
13/03/2007Clitheroe (H)NPL D1104  1-1Mitchell (90) Details
10/02/2007Clitheroe (A)NPL D1229  1-5Salt Details
21/10/2006Clitheroe (H)FAT132  0-1 Details
25/04/2006Clitheroe (H)NPL D1  1-0Mitchell Details
14/03/2006Clitheroe (A)NPL D1236  3-2Owens, Towey, Mitchell Details
09/04/2005Clitheroe (H)NPL D1  1-1Latham Details
23/11/2004Clitheroe (A)NPL D1127  1-0Heverin Details
16/03/2004Clitheroe (A)NWC1187  2-0Mitchell, Harkness Details
04/10/2003Clitheroe (H)NWC1110  1-3Bermingham Details
19/04/2003Clitheroe (H)NWC192  1-2Moore Details
20/08/2002Clitheroe (A)NWC1144  0-1 Details
30/04/2002Clitheroe (H)NWC186  3-0Heverin, Moores, Locke Details
11/09/2001Clitheroe (A)NWC1180  4-2Priedt, Chadwick, Moores, Heverin Details
16/09/2000Clitheroe (H)FAC119  0-2 Details
29/04/1998Clitheroe (H)NWC1  0-1 Details
01/11/1997Clitheroe (A)NWC1  3-3Anderton (3 goals) Details
28/09/1993Clitheroe (A)FAC  2-0Nicely, O'Connor Details
25/09/1993Clitheroe (H)FAC  2-2Finley, McDonald Details
23/12/1989Clitheroe (H)NWC1  4-1Hughes, McClatchey, Houghton (2 goals) Details
23/08/1989Clitheroe (A)NWC1  2-3Tandy, Houghton Details
06/05/1989Clitheroe (H)NWC1  1-0Kinsey Details
22/04/1989Clitheroe (A)NWC1  0-2 Details
08/04/1989Clitheroe (H)NWCCC  2-0Kinsey, Hodge Details
01/04/1989Clitheroe (A)NWCCC  0-0 Details
16/04/1988Clitheroe (A)NWC1  0-2 Details
06/02/1988Clitheroe (H)NWC1  0-0 Details
26/05/1986Clitheroe (N)NWCS  0-0* Details
01/05/1986Clitheroe (N)NWCCC  2-0Hughes, Price Details
09/02/1985Clitheroe (A)NWC2  1-1Cook Details
13/10/1984Clitheroe (H)NWC2  1-1Hughes Details
19/02/1983Clitheroe (H)NWC3  2-0Hughes, Daniels Details
23/10/1982Clitheroe (A)NWC3  4-1Davies, Daniels, Lake, Hughes Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 5-0 on 26 September 2015
Biggest Warrington defeat: 1-5 on 10 February 2007

Most appearances v Clitheroe
Dave Tickle11 (1)
Chris Gahgan8 (2)
Steve Latham10
Matty Farrell9
Phil Mitchell7 (1)
Neil Cook8
Steve Hughes8
Graeme Mitchell6 (1)
Karl Wills7
Chris Fitzsimmons7
Kevin Gratton7
Danny Salt7
Louis Corrigan6
James McCarten6
Ben Wharton3 (3)
Tom Hardwick5
Chris Bermingham4 (1)
Andy Tague5
Chris Thompson4 (1)
Lee Webster5
Chris Coulson5
Peter Houghton5
Derek McClatchey5
Scott Metcalfe5
Ian Kinsey4 (1)
Alan Collins4 (1)
Andy Moore4
Frank Dolan4
Kevin Towey4
Richard Mottram4
Mike Tomlinson4
Neil McCormack4
Ian Reid4
Mike Duffy4
Neil Williams4
Richard Harvey4
Phil Davies4
David Mannix4
Ciaran Kilheeney4
Mike Heverin1 (2)
Chris Moores3
Paul Pritchard3
Michael Grogan3
Terry O'Hanlon3
Nathan Burke3
Terry Nestor3
Karl Williams3
Ian Hodge3
Neil Griffiths3
Phil Hadland3
Gavin Salmon2 (1)
Anthony Hickey2 (1)
Tony Evans2
Connor Taylor2
Colin Flood2
Jimmy McCarthy2
Dale Wright2
Danny Ventre2
Alex McQuade2
Glenn Walker1 (1)
Tony Hill2
Matt Cross2
River Humphreys2
Josh Ollerenshaw2
Daniel O'Donnell2
Adam Wade2
Sam Finley2
Gary Finley2
Paul Harris1 (1)
Gary Price2
Phil Howard2
Gary Jensen2
Jordan King2
Paul Anderton2
John Wilbraham2
Barry Lowe2
Dave Peters2
Terry Selby2
Ian Vernon2
Gordon Hunter2
Chris Jackson2
Michael Owens2
Ben Deegan1 (1)
Andy Thomas2
Martin Lake2
Peter Daniels2
Brian Davies2
Tom Spearitt2
Anthony Daniels2
Billy Webb0 (2)
Adam Hunter1 (1)
Scott Williams2
Carl Rendell2
Craig Robinson1 (1)
Paul Clarke2
Kyle Hamid2
Liam Dawson2
Paul Davies2
Neil Morgan2
Darren Kinsey1 (1)
Dave Pick2
Paul Hives2
Robbie Priedt2
Lee Riley2
Steve Cartledge2
Warren Beattie2
Dave Ingle2
Lee Smith2
Ian Callaghan2
Levi Kennedy2
Peter Dogan2
Lee McEvilly1
Karl Connolly0 (1)
Adam Carden1
Andy Potter1
Paul Grogan1
Kevin Townson1
Luke Holden1
Paul Traynor0 (1)
Jamie Holme0 (1)
Phil Higginson1
Jack Rudge0 (1)
Michael Reid1
Michael Douglas1
Jamie Slater1
D. Jones1
Craig Davies0 (1)
Anthony Filipek1
John Miles1
Wayne Derbyshire1
Richard Chetcuti1
Gareth Evans1
James Dean0 (1)
Joey Dunn1
Andy Fowler1
Nat Kerr1
Gavin McDonald1
Steve Parsonage1
Joe Miller1
John Kerry1
Dave Stokes0 (1)
A Marsh1
Mike Hardman0 (1)
Jon Newby1
Andy O'Connor1
Don Nicely1
Anthony Kielty0 (1)
Kevin Hannon1
John Halpin1
Lee Thompson0 (1)
Christian Dibble1
Lee Pennington1
Doran Ph1
Jamie Cavanagh1
Alan Glover1
Dean Jennings1
Dougie Pitts1
Liam Shipton1
Ian McEllen1
Clive Locke0 (1)
Nick Jackson1
Tommy Baker1
Steven Tames1
Chris Oldfield1
Jamie Henders0 (1)
Liam Sweeney1
Ross Farran0 (1)
Lewis Field1
Neal Holden1
Owen Roberts1
Paul Manuel1
John O'Neill1
Gerard Kinsella1
Mark Nulty1
Jack Bannister1
Paul Heavey1
Stuart Harkness0 (1)
Josh Hayes1
Scott Brown1
Josh Kavanagh1
Kevin Dack0 (1)
Liam Turner1
Stephen Gillespie1
Matt Adams1
Mark Ashton1
Conor Roberts1
Matthew Harrison1
Andy Barr1
Mike Tandy1
Neil Whalley1
Carlos Meakin1
Andy Harris1
Zac Aley1
Adam Judge1
Francis Smith1
Niall Ford1
Ged Bushell1
Colin Darcy1
Gareth Chadwick1
Aiden Warder1
Danny Toone1
Ben Connett1
Connor Millington0 (1)
Mick O'Donnell1
Rob Dutton0 (1)
Simon Burton0 (1)
Marvin Molyneux1
Shaun Tuck1
Tom Rutter0 (1)
Adam Flynn1
Most goals v Clitheroe
Chris Gahgan6
Steve Hughes5
Phil Mitchell4
Nathan Burke4
Peter Houghton3
Paul Anderton3
Alan Collins3
Mike Heverin3
Chris Moores2
Ciaran Kilheeney2
Kevin Towey2
Peter Daniels2
Ian Kinsey2
Mike Tandy1
Ash Ruane1
Gavin McDonald1
Ben Deegan1
Danny Salt1
Francis Smith1
Steve Latham1
Scott Metcalfe1
Don Nicely1
Chris Thompson1
Brian Davies1
Stuart Harkness1
Andy Fowler1
Michael Owens1
Ben Wharton1
Andy O'Connor1
Neil Cook1
Robbie Priedt1
Steven Tames1
Andy Moore1
Carl Rendell1
Derek McClatchey1
Chris Bermingham1
Conor Roberts1
Gary Finley1
Gary Price1
Martin Lake1
Ian Hodge1
Gareth Chadwick1
James McCarten1
Clive Locke1
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