Warrington Town StatsA record of the club's history from its formation in 1949.

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Warrington's record against Rossendale

 PlayedWarrington WinDrawRossendale winWarrington GoalsRossendale Goals
At Warrington189273222
At Rossendale153482732
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultWarrington Scorers 
02/02/2010Rossendale (H)NPL 1N103  5-1McCarthy (2 goals), Gahgan, Salmon, Evans Details
24/10/2009Rossendale (A)NPL 1N75  3-1Gahgan (3 goals) Details
31/03/2009Rossendale (A)NPL 1N99  2-3Gahgan (10, 70 pen) Details
25/08/2008Rossendale (H)NPL 1N132  1-1Davies (73) Details
16/10/2007Rossendale (H)NPL C85  2-0Mitchell (51), Robinson (76) Details
06/10/2007Rossendale (H)FAT114  3-2Smith (35 pen), Ellison (39, 69) Details
21/04/2007Rossendale (H)NPL D1106  0-1 Details
16/12/2006Rossendale (A)NPL D1112  2-4Mitchell, Evans Details
21/01/2006Rossendale (A)NPL D1106  2-2Owens, Mitchell Details
04/10/2005Rossendale (H)NPL 1N93  0-0 Details
25/03/2005Rossendale (H)NPL D1  2-3Burton (24), Langley (63) Details
20/11/2004Rossendale (A)NPL D1122  1-2Farrell Details
20/12/1997Rossendale (A)NWC1  0-1 Details
11/11/1997Rossendale (H)NWC1  3-0McGhee (8), Hope (41), Thornley (80) Details
21/09/1992Rossendale (A)NPL D1189  7-2Dunn (2 goals), McNally, Cook, Warder, Watson, Whalley Details
19/09/1992Rossendale (H)NPL D1239  4-1McNally (2 goals), Watson (2 goals) Details
28/03/1992Rossendale (A)NPL D1183  3-3Parker, Whalley, Williams Details
16/11/1991Rossendale (H)NPL D1209  4-0Cook, Dunn (2 goals), Rice Details
09/03/1991Rossendale (H)NPL D1138  0-1 Details
20/10/1990Rossendale (A)NPL D1279  1-4Dunn Details
10/12/1988Rossendale (H)NWC1  0-1 Details
27/08/1988Rossendale (A)NWC1  1-3Own Goal Details
09/01/1988Rossendale (H)NWC1  0-2 Details
21/11/1987Rossendale (H)NWCCC  2-1Lake (2 goals) Details
22/08/1987Rossendale (A)NWC1  0-1 Details
08/05/1986Rossendale (A)NWC2  1-3Price Details
19/04/1986Rossendale (A)NWCCC  3-3Hughes (2 goals), Vernon Details
12/04/1986Rossendale (H)NWCCC  2-1Price, Hunter Details
17/08/1985Rossendale (H)NWC2  0-3 Details
30/04/1985Rossendale (A)NWC2  0-0 Details
15/09/1984Rossendale (H)NWC2  2-1Price, Own Goal Details
17/12/1983Rossendale (A)NWC2  1-0Stokes Details
16/08/1983Rossendale (H)NWC2  2-3Hughes (2 goals) Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Warrington win: 7-2 on 21 September 1992
Biggest Warrington defeat: 1-4 on 20 October 1990

Most appearances v Rossendale
Steve Hughes9 (4)
Neil Cook11
Neil Whalley9
Neil Williams6 (1)
Martin Lake7
Ian Reid7
Phil Mitchell7
Kevin Gratton6
Chris Fitzsimmons6
Graeme Mitchell3 (3)
Steve Latham5
Joey Dunn5
Chris Coulson5
Frank Dolan4
Phil Hadland4
Alan Monteith4
Danny Salt4
Gordon Hunter4
Peter Copeland4
Richard Mottram4
Dave Tickle4
Tony Hill4
Matty Farrell2 (1)
John Wilbraham3
Paul McNally3
Gary Price3
Liam Watson3
John O'Brien3
Kevin Hannon3
Michael Ellison3
Steve Parsonage3
Jimmy McCarthy3
Michael Grogan3
Chris Gahgan3
Connor Taylor3
Tom Hardwick3
Lee Medland2
Dave Mather2
Mike Tomlinson2
Steve Smith2
Danny Morton2
Tony Evans2
Liam Coyne2
Karl Robinson2
Richard Harvey2
Ian Kinsey2
Karl Williams2
Ian Vernon2
Dougie Pitts2
Ian Hodge2
Paul Clarke2
Colin Flood2
Paul Manuel1 (1)
Glenn Walker1 (1)
Terry Nestor2
Lee Webster2
Kevin Harrison2
Chris Moores2
Mike Tandy2
Joe Barton2
Terry Selby2
Anthony Daniels1 (1)
Richard Chetcuti0 (2)
Rob Dutton0 (2)
John O'Neill2
Johnny Barnes2
Gavin McDonald2
Joe Rice2
Anthony Kielty2
Gary Finley2
Kevin Towey2
Lee Madin1
A Marsh1
Iain Dyson1
Phil Layhe1
Chris Bermingham1
Dave Hughes1
Ian Lowe1
Phil Howard1
Adrian Reilly1
Michael Owens1
James Featherstone1
Kevin Tyrell1
Mark Ashton1
Rod Thornley1
Robbie Hope1
Brian Davies1
Alan Thomson1
Tommy O'Neill1
Jimmy Williams1
Lee Thompson1
Paul McGhee1
Jimmy King1
Aiden Warder1
Steve Whittingham1
John Roche1
Barry Lowe1
Graham Cunneely1
Peter Daniels1
Paul Anderton1
Mike Heverin1
Thomas Lamb1
Calvin Davies0 (1)
Jamie Holme1
Carl Rendell1
Francis Smith1
Brendan Grant1
Derek McClatchey1
Dave Stokes1
Colin Beck1
Ian Thompson1
Graham Bennett0 (1)
Andy Thomas1
Scott Williams1
Karl Connolly1
Darren Kinsey1
Zac Jones1
Neil Griffiths1
Lee Smith0 (1)
Joe McLennan0 (1)
Dave Roberts0 (1)
Gavin Salmon1
Levi Kennedy1
Matty Elder1
Ged Courtney1
Karl Wills1
Gareth Thomas1
Dean Canning0 (1)
Paul Langley1
Craig Cushion1
John Bluck1
Michael Burns1
Daniel Vickers1
Gareth Evans1
Steve Akrigg1
Simon Burton1
Andy Tague1
Jack Thornton0 (1)
Mick O'Donnell1
Paul Bowes1
Michael Stewart1
Kevin Dillon1
Darren Beales1
Paul Meachin0 (1)
Jeff Parker1
Alan Blair1
John Halpin1
Most goals v Rossendale
Chris Gahgan6
Joey Dunn5
Steve Hughes4
Paul McNally3
Gary Price3
Liam Watson3
Martin Lake2
Graeme Mitchell2
Neil Whalley2
Jimmy McCarthy2
Michael Ellison2
Neil Cook2
Joe Rice1
Matty Farrell1
Paul Langley1
Karl Robinson1
Calvin Davies1
Paul McGhee1
Steve Smith1
Robbie Hope1
Gareth Evans1
Neil Williams1
Dave Stokes1
Gavin Salmon1
Gordon Hunter1
Rod Thornley1
Michael Owens1
Simon Burton1
Phil Mitchell1
Tony Evans1
Aiden Warder1
Ian Vernon1
Jeff Parker1
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